KSP Payment & Late Fee Policy

  • The payment terms on the invoice are those agreed to in the Fully Executed Master Service Agreement.  
  • Billing disputes must be brought to the attention of the KSP Customer Experience Rep within 5 business days of invoice receipt.
    • If any dispute results in an updated invoice amount, the due date on the original invoice will remain the same.  
    • Short payments of outstanding invoices is prohibited.  
  • Invoices must be paid on time while working through any sort of dispute.  KSP will issue any necessary credit once the dispute has been resolved.  Invoice payment reminders will be sent 3 days before the invoice is due and again the day the invoice due date.  
  • If invoice is not paid on the due date, KSP will issue a one-day grace period to settle the account prior to late fees being applied. The late fee will apply on day 2 post due date.
    • Late fees will be applied at a rate of 1.5%.
  • An additional reminder will be sent 5 days after the original due date.  
  • Future invoices will reflect current activity with an account statement of previously billed and unpaid activity.  
  • Upon a customer’s invoice reaching 61 days past due, the account will be suspended until all past-due amounts are paid in full.  

October 24, 2022